The OH Golf Society’s standard of golf is mixed and largely irrelevant as the handicap system gives everyone an equal chance. The only exception to this is that Hampton has in recent years been fielding a scratch side in the nationwide Grafton Morrish competition for independent schools. Some of these (younger) low handicappers enjoyed the challenge of playing against the regular members this summer and we hope to make this an annual event to add to our calendar.
Our membership today is not exclusively former pupils as we are happy to welcome all with a connection or loyalty to the school into our ranks. As such, former OHRFC rugby players, footballers, teachers, ex-teachers, and parents are all welcome to join (free) the society and come along to all/any of the regular golf days.
The origins of the OH golf society go back to 1974 when Bryan Ford (an Old Tiffinian with two Hamptonian sons, Richard (OH 1972) and Robert (OH 1974)) challenged Hamptonians to a golf match whilst watching his sons play cricket in a Tiffinians match against Hampton.
The first such match was arranged and played at Ashford Manor GC in July 1974.
A very good day was had by all, and the event became an annual match between OH & OT golf societies, playing for the Ford Cup, still contested annually now. The OHGS started from there and began regular other society days in the summer of 1975.
The society then ran successfully for many years due to the input primarily of Ron Roberts and Brian Fagents but had a few quieter years before Gary Hide re-ignited enthusiasm in the early 2000s and the society has continued to function well since then.
Annual Events
April - Match v Tiffinians for Ford Cup
May - Society Day
June - inter-schools event
July - Match v School
August - Triangular Match with Kingstonian and Cranleighans
September - Society Day
December - Christmas Trophy and Dinner
Get in Touch
If you are interested in getting involved, please provide your details, and our team will reach out to you promptly. We look forward to connecting with you and strengthening our community!